Hughie in at Walton
Last year saw Walton Mark Lodge No 161 reconfigure itself as The Walton Lodge of Installed Mark Masters, “The Provincial Grand Stewards’ Lodge”. The first Master of the lodge in its present guise was Bill Wainwright, who was an original member of the lodge, and was in fact only appointed as a Provincial Grand Steward by the Provincial Grand Master Keith Beardmore at the meeting following his ascension to the chair.
Giles Berkley, Keith Beardmore, Hughie O’Neil and Bill Wainwright
Before beginning the ceremony of installing Hughie O’Neil as his successor Bill took the opportunity to show his support for the direction the lodge had taken. He said that the original plan had been that, when he occupied the principal chair of the lodge, it would be his very sad duty to hand in its warrant. He was delighted that the re-invigoration of Walton by it becoming a Stewards lodge meant that the name, number and history would continue rather than it being confined to the dusty pages of the history books of the order. He paid tribute to all those who had made it possible and ensured the lodge was once again a viable entity.
It obviously meant a lot to Bill with the sentiments he expressed being uttered by his lips but having originated in his heart. It was well said.
David Rotherham, Giles Berkley, Keith Beardmore, Hughie O’Neil, Lucas Kelly and David Robinson
Principal guest at the meeting at Leyland Masonic Hall was our Provincial Grand Master. He was joined by his assistant Giles Berkley, Provincial Grand Junior Warden Lucas Kelly and special representative David Robinson. Grand Senior Deacon David Rotherham was amongst the other distinguished Brethren present.
Although it was a shortened version of the ceremony Bill nonetheless undertook his work with obvious pride and delightful delivery. He can reflect with great satisfaction on having shown the original Walton Lodge in good light.
Derek Horrocks, Peter Craven and Brian Burges Dicks
On his part Hughie, who had been presented by Derek Gaskell, took to his new role like a duck to water being confident, accurate and clearly audible in all he did .Derek Horrocks presented the newly installed Master with the Keystone jewel and also delivered the address to him. It proved a master class on how to go about the work.
The address to the Wardens was delivered by Peter Craven and that to the Overseers by Brian Burgess-Dicks. The PGM was called into action and orated the address to the Brethren. All played their part well.
The final act of Hughie as he appointed and invested the officers was to announce who the Steward would be, the person holding that post being the successor to Hughie as WM.  This is decided by means of the names of those who have expressed a desire to be considered being placed in the hat and one name being drawn out prior to the meeting.
The workers Rod Bennison and Michael Clarke
A sealed envelope having been handed to Hughie, he was able to open it and announce that the new Steward would be (drum roll please) none other than your Northern correspondent. It was with pleasant shock and great delight I went forward to receive the Steward’s collarette.  I have been told I must wear it with pride and show it off around the province. I am already doing so but my wife Su has observed that it does tend to be a distraction when I am carrying out my domestic chores and that the reading light annoyingly reflects from it when I am perusing my ritual in bed!
To mark the occasion Keith was presented with a cheque for £250 in favour of the West Lancashire Mark Charity.
Some of the distinguished Brethren
There was the usual good craic and bonhomie you associate with our order at the installation meal.
During the course of proceedings great plaudits were heaped upon secretary Rod Bennison, treasurer Michael Clarke and director of ceremonies Geoff Bury for all their efforts in making the day such a success.
In responding to the toast to his health Keith announced that, such was that status he wanted Walton Lodge of Installed Master to be held in, that it was his wish that the principal guest at future installation meetings should always be a chain-bearer.
Saying it with flowers Keith Beardmore and Hughie O’Neil
He made a further announcement concerning a special ground-breaking meeting to be held at West Houghton on 20th May next year when he will be representing our wonderful order alongside a distinguished Companion from the Holy Royal Arch. I will say no more than that so as just to whet your appetite – look out for the formal announcement for full details.
A heron (ardea cinerea)
Regular readers of this fine organ will be aware that it is usual for our ubiquitous chronicler of all things West Lancashire Mark, Austin Fletcher, to finish his piece with a reference to, and photograph of, our venerable Provincial Grand Tyler Ernest Gavan. I caught Ernie in mid Tyler’s toast but stupidly used the flash which, shall we say, rather distracted him. Instead of the resultant photo of a startled Ernie I will use one of a heron flying off Walney Island - there is no good reason I just thought I would be different!
Words and pictures by Dave Sear